Yoga Nidrā

“The abodes of the spirit are two: this world and the other. But both coincide in the intermediate, which is sleep. From here, it contemplates both worlds, one and the other. Well, this realm is the threshold of the other world, from where it contemplates both joys and sorrows.”
Barcelona: Atlanta, 2019. ISBN:978-84-949054-9-0
A guided meditation that transforms
Profound relaxation and a journey to explore your inner world
A laboratory to explore different planes of consciousness, from wakefulness to dreams, sleep, intermediate states, and non-dual awareness.
What a Yoga Nidra session entails:
It is a practice accessible to everyone; you don’t need to be a yoga practitioner.
As an adaptogenic practice, it has endless possibilities and multiple applications, its effect is regulatory, providing what you need at each moment.
As a booster of vitality or creativity, it creates a bridge to your internal resources, establishing secure communication between the conscious, subconscious, and unconscious.

Barcelona,Kairós, 2019. ISBN 978-84-9988-682-4